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Friday, February 25, 2011

Ahhh, to write freely once more!

I am up late doing some work, it's refreshing. I haven't done this in awhile and although I know it isn't the healthiest thing to do, I am enjoying it. Feeling alive and like my brain has been kickstarted into action once more. A real headbutting kick, if you ask me.

I stumbled across my old Multiply site ( and was poring through some posts from way back. Wow. I had a lot of time, a lot of emotions and a lot of energy to sit there and almost religiously pen down my thoughts. It was amazing reading through some of them. I was young, happy, sad, trapped, free, lonely, scared... I was alive. I mean, I'm still alive now, but in a different way. I'd say I've grown and matured, picked up some valuable culinary skills and patience along the way. As the saying goes, wisdom comes with age and the wiser you become as the wrinkles go deeper.

I'm tired too though, my eyes are weary and my insect bitten hand tingles with the sting of a waterlogged wrist. I really should sleep, but then I felt I owed myself two minutes just to go online and give a RANDOM SHOUT. Is there any purpose to this post? No. Am I trying to communicate a key message? Definitely not. So why am I even bothering to waste time on it? Because this blog is mine, and I can do whatever I want whenever I want. *so there Mr Blogspot*

Right... I think sleep has caught up on me, and it's time to wave a big nighty-o to the world. Le yawn.


Unknown said...

Why is Blogspot a man? Lol why not Ms Blogspot, Ms Blogger? :)

Yea know exactly what you mean. When I re-read my teenage blogs, they're so amusingly emo. :P

Must find time to read all your posts on glorious food. Looks super yums man.

lixbeth said...

haha, thanks ah... I have no idea why blogspot is a man though. :)

Teenage blogs are so full of angsty pantsy but really mine wasn't teenage years, more like young adult years!