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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

get out, and stay out

will you get off your moral high horse already? stop trying to get everyone to see things your way.
no point quoting books, or making references. what you read, isn't always what you get. reality is a strange thing, and so is religion. we're all entitled to our own beliefs. you telling me if i don't follow the bible i get condemned? u telling me i have to believe in this because i'm baptized? i don't disagree in believing in something. i don't believe we should compromise our beliefs. but c'mon, u don't want others to impose things on you right? then why stoop so low as to judge?

i'm sick of the insults, of the hurts you've caused. i'm tired of it all. just get out. just stay out.

sad to say, it's really come down to this. but it has. i'm tired tired tired.

just stay . away.

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