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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 2: Running Club Success!

Ok so I'm sticking to my fitness regime, or as they say "lifestyle overhaul" and I am feeling fab. I think that's definitely the endorphins rushing through my brains. I'm hooked. Hooked on the buzz of feeling fresh sweat prickling my skin and that ever so gentle burn on the back of my calves. Loving my 2XU compression pants, they are the best sports purchase (apart from a good sports bra, of course) I have bought. Then again, my saucony runners are pretty damn fine. Think I'll give them another six months and replace my trainers at the end of the year.

Today, we ran two laps around Melbourne's Botanical Gardens, or what's also called The Tan by the locals. I'm used Map My Run afterwards - stupidly, I could've actually used it WHILE running which would save me this process of calculating the distance traveled and corresponding calories burned afterwards - and it was about 9++kms. Wow! Not too bad considering we had a bit of chit chat, and factored in a short sprint... Lovely. We skipped the incline though, as we're building up our stamina for Thursday, for when we do two rounds but up the slope. All this in preparation for Sunday's 10kms. Fun!!!

Anyhoo. Here's to more days of running club!! I'm so psyched to have found a few running buddies. Hopefully the group will grow and grow and we'll all keep encouraging each other to keep healthy and fit. :)

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