The world is a strange place today. People put value on everything, on friendships, on relationships, and despite so many saying that "money isn't anything", truth be told that wealth does act as a key access to many areas in life. Sad but true. However, cliche as this may sound, there is one thing that money can't buy. Something that is intangible, something that is truly priceless. The everlasting sweet memory of the simplest deed done for you, and only you, at practically no cost at all. Except for another person's time, sweat and effort.
And that, my friends, is worth more than all the millions in the world.
Why my sudden lashing out at materialism? This year marks (or marked, rather) my turning a Quarter of a Century. Ok, so those of you out there above this 25-year mark may think I'm simply blowing this whole aging process a tad out of proportion, but I beg to differ. For me, I've said this too many times before and I'll say it again - I'm a gust of wind. A seasonal breeze that may blow hot or cold, depending entirely on my mood and given situation. Anyway, this year I turn 25, and it's the second year I'm spending it with my sweet V.T. And what a celebration it was. Not only was this my Q.C, but it was also our 1st Year Anniversary. One whole long year together, and it's been a marvellous one year, with so many beautiful memories etched into my memory for this lifetime and next.
We celebrated my birthday on the 5th April (on a Saturday this year, how convenient) by meeting in the evening for a splendid dinner at Keyaki Restaurant at Pan Pacific. Loving my Japanese with a pet weakness for yakitori skewers, I ordered up a storm and was pleasantly surprised when this place actually had the ox tongue I've been so desperately craving.
Midnight fell upon us, and she asked me to close my eyes which I promptly did. When I opened them, there was a sight that I'll never forget, and my silly eyes welled up with heavy tears of emotion. See below picture as words cannot describe the happiness I felt that night.
This was my night and it was dedicated to me. Thank you baba, for the magical spell you've woven me this one year and for continuing to light up each day with the mere thought of you.
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Lucky girl...
lucky girl...
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