What makes WHAT work?
Let's talk about relationships for a bit.
Hmm. Let's just think what makes them work? Firstly, I think it's imperative to have a sense of equality and fairness, for both parties, to be in play. I mean, it has to be a 50-50 situation, doesn't it? But in actuality, is it that way? No it isn't. At any one given time, I don't believe people exist in a split 50-50 relationship. It's more like today you're going to be giving 70 while I'm giving 30, but then, tomorrow it might just be a reverse. Frustrating as it is, that is just how relationships work!
Now, the confusing things about relationships is, when should someone say I GIVE UP? When they aren't serious? When it isn't real? I ask you, is loving another simply a task that you do during a committed period of your life? Or is Loving Someone an entire lifestyle overhaul that a person must undertake in order to call that OTHER someone their significant other? I choose the second. But then, though I feel that the second is what defines what Love, and a Loving Relationship is, my opinion is that Humans are somewhat incapable nowadays of being truly committed to that Significant Other.
I don't really get what I'm trying to say at this point, and it irks me because normally my flow of words comes easily. Let me not digress, and go back to the main focus once more.
What makes a Relationship work? The answer lies right in that VERY sentence. WORK>
A relationship is a Work-In-Progress - it doesn't have an ending to it, like the wrapping up of a project, or the closing of a book. It doesn't have several chapters that one must go through. Well, it kinda does have chapters in a way, but it doesn't end. And if the Relationship ends? Then it wouldn't really be considered much of a relationship to begin with anyway! :( I don't know if what I'm saying makes any sense. I just needed a space to vent.
And vent I have, and work I shall. Adios amigos.
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