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Monday, February 25, 2008

Love just ain't enough.

What makes it work?
What makes WHAT work?
Let's talk about relationships for a bit.

Hmm. Let's just think what makes them work? Firstly, I think it's imperative to have a sense of equality and fairness, for both parties, to be in play. I mean, it has to be a 50-50 situation, doesn't it? But in actuality, is it that way? No it isn't. At any one given time, I don't believe people exist in a split 50-50 relationship. It's more like today you're going to be giving 70 while I'm giving 30, but then, tomorrow it might just be a reverse. Frustrating as it is, that is just how relationships work!

Now, the confusing things about relationships is, when should someone say I GIVE UP? When they aren't serious? When it isn't real? I ask you, is loving another simply a task that you do during a committed period of your life? Or is Loving Someone an entire lifestyle overhaul that a person must undertake in order to call that OTHER someone their significant other? I choose the second. But then, though I feel that the second is what defines what Love, and a Loving Relationship is, my opinion is that Humans are somewhat incapable nowadays of being truly committed to that Significant Other.

I don't really get what I'm trying to say at this point, and it irks me because normally my flow of words comes easily. Let me not digress, and go back to the main focus once more.

What makes a Relationship work? The answer lies right in that VERY sentence. WORK>
A relationship is a Work-In-Progress - it doesn't have an ending to it, like the wrapping up of a project, or the closing of a book. It doesn't have several chapters that one must go through. Well, it kinda does have chapters in a way, but it doesn't end. And if the Relationship ends? Then it wouldn't really be considered much of a relationship to begin with anyway! :( I don't know if what I'm saying makes any sense. I just needed a space to vent.

And vent I have, and work I shall. Adios amigos. - Free counter for Weblogs

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gong Xi, welcoming the Year of the Flab

Red packets everywhere, hands exchanging bright oranges... Well-wishes, cheek kisses.

Ah, the sweet familiar scene of the Lunar New Year. I was back for this festive period in 2006, has it REALLY been 2 years already? And what a different kind of NY it was. I spent in with a new Somebody in my life (who btw, has NOT written ONE single post yet *HINT-HINT*) and got more acquainted with the in-laws (haha). I must say, it's been an exceptionally enjoyable new year. And for the first time in my life, I felt that the -break- was a well-deserved one.

Singapore's work culture is a very driven one, with competitive folk passionate about what they do, all with their own sets of ideals and aspirations for what they who they want to be. Well, almost everyone. There's a pretty damn big population of disgruntled Singaporeans who do nothing more than sit on their asses and complain. Yes, they whine and gripe about the same thing - cost of living, job scope, no work/life balance... the list goes on. Ok, so i'm guilty of doing my share of whinging but honestly, if it's within my control, then really, why be such a kao pei kao bu? I mean, think about it... if we didn't work so hard every second of every day of our life (yah, in the shower we work pretty hard at cleaning up and grooming too!) then how would we know how to enjoy a "break" when it fell upon us? It's like that theory, you know? How would we be able to know what happiness tastes like when we've never sampled sadness?

I believe after every thunderstorm, there shines a rainbow. It'll spring out of nowhere and appear in the most magical of ways. To be quite frank, after years of pretty bland CNY celebrations, I finally had a beautiful and memorable one. Too bad I forgot to take pics to mark the various occasions, but there was a myriad of tears and laughters, friends and family that will forever be ingrained in my memory.

I had a blast.

I lost some, I won some.

Ah heck, it's the New Year, what's a bit of friendly exchange between friends? My new principle in life I can try applying to everything else I suppose.

Be a little more giving, be a little less demanding. Appreciate the simple moments, when you get them, and make full use OF them. Worries of work piling up in the back of your head? Tell yourself that you'll get down to it after the get togethers are over. And make sure you do it. - Free counter for Weblogs

Monday, February 4, 2008

Post-weekender Blues

When time is precious and it seems a long week ahead before I see her again, I feel the post-weekender Blues set in. I know this happens when I get the 1) grouchies and the 2) moodies. What's that you might ask? Well, the 'grouchies' is when I start picking on absolutely and entirely nothing.

I believe we all get the grouchies. You know, that irksome feeling of discontent, when nothing and yet everything troubles you. When you pick on that one special loved one in your life, and jeopardize each precious second you spend together.

The moodies start on a different note. They kick in about 2-3 hours after the grouchies have played up big time and you've already caused a mini-scene between the both of you. The sallow pining starts and your insides go "du-uh..." and it's a little ouch all over your brain, your heart.

Sigh. I've got a big case of both the grouchies and the moodies. I don't know why. Perhaps it's a "period-ical" (my own word, btw) thing. I feel so restless and the thought of Chinese New Year and relatives asking the same age-old question "oh, so what are you doing now?" or "are you seeing anyone" start popping up. And this time, I can't be straightforward. I can't answer in full. That kind of really sucks. Everything is picking at my dulled brain and I feel the damp gray mass within squish around noisily. Sometimes, especially of late, it gets painful to even think. Not that I have that much time to think anyway, since I always seem to be rushing from place to place. From one activity to another. Before you know it, the weekend is good and over.

Ugh. I've got to pull myself together and face another day. What can I say? I miss her. - Free counter for Weblogs