That's how Singaporeans can be best described. No offence to people born and bred in the country (seeing that I'm one too) but honestly, at times, we seem to entrapped in our own little bubble of thoughts that we scarce can see through the thin film surrounding us.
We're oblivious:-
- to old people on the train, to pregnant mothers, to an injured sportsman who's walking on crutches
- to the people who don't seem as LOUD as the cool bunch
- to the car in the next lane
- and the list can go on, but let me just stop here.
Why this occurrence? Not really sure. I'm not a planner from the government, I'm just an observer. I'm a Singaporean too, and being back in Singapore for just over two years has opened my eyes up to so many things that I never saw about the country before. Unfortunately, disengaged Singaporeans stick out like a sore thumb. It's almost as if they were created ala-Matrix style - hanging on a pod, in a gloomy depressing place, and we were brought up to work towards creating an efficient paradise. A tiny island in the sea, surrounded by vastlands of the other neighbouring countries in this region. Robots, almost, yet with a deep sense of emotional attachments to all things material. We work towards achieving our goals - a bigger bag, a car, a house renovation. We strive to achieve NOT personal aims but to prove ourselves to people. To make a mark in this world.
I shiver at the thought sometimes. Is it really necessary for such cut-throat competitiveness? Do we honestly need to shy away from having a personality? From being a true person?
I'm sure many may disagree with me. May say that I'm blinded by God-Knows-What and have formed some delusional impression of this place I should be calling my home. But at the end of the day, disengaged souls form the "people" who are here. And I am forced to ask myself, do I want to be a part of this massive project?